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Brian is a communication and leadership coach who engages individuals and organizations to increase their agility in delivering their products and services while also meeting corporate and market demands.

Brian has cross-functional expertise in Application Lifecycle Management for project definition, planning, execution and customer delivery in both start-ups and Fortune 500 corporations including Adobe Systems, Getty Images, RealNetworks and F5 Networks.

Brian’s specialties are commitment-based project management, cross-functional expertise in project definition, planning, execution and customer delivery; and software quality assurance.

His other capabilities include creating communities of practice to accelerate the pace of learning and development; a proven ability to manage multiple project teams including offshore development centers; cross-functional expertise in commitment-based project management.

Brian is a founding member of the Generative Leadership Community of Practice, an international association of organizational coaches. He is a PMI-certified Project Management Professional since 1994, and a Certified Manager of Quality and Organizational Excellence through the American Society for Quality.